दीपावली पर बनाइये यह नमकीन चूड़ा या पोहे की नमकीन बहुत ही कम तेल में रेसिपी देखने के लिए किल्क करे,👇

Banana stem, (shoot) fry



250 grm banana stem

2ts cooking oil
Salt according to taste
1/4 ts chilly powder
1/4 ts turmeric
1ts coriander powder
1ts lime juice
1/2ts cummin seeds

1 peel an stem fry
Reciped Cut the stem in to small cubes
2 heat oil in a pan
3 add cummin seeds
4add cubes and add salt
5 cover it with lid for 8 minutes.
6 after 8 minutes cubes becomes soft
7 add all spices, mix well
8 finely add lime juice and mix well.
Banana stem fry is ready to be serve.